Monday, 23 February 2015

Water for Life...Saving Spiritual And Physical Lives In Asia

“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

Last year my wife Jan took part in Gospel for Asia's Bridge Of Hope Marathon, in Brisbane, Australia.

She thoroughly enjoyed this, despite the toll it took on her sore, blistered feet!

Although this was her first time, the other two girls from our fellowship in the 'Keep Calm And Kiwi On' team had participated in this event before. 

The one drawback for teams going over from New Zealand to participate, was the large airfare and accommodation cost (around NZ$800pp).

And so, the girls pitched the idea that a similar event could take place in NZ. And with the help of our local church fellowship, 'The River: Walk For Water' was born.

Gospel for Asia is heavily committed to supporting the churches raise up local evangelists.
It is as equally committed to supporting the humanitarian needs of the people.

One of these initiatives is the 'Jesus Well', providing life-giving clean water to villages, where the only source of water is via a long walk for women and children to a disease-borne pond. 
Unfortunately, the same pond is used to clean clothes, water the domestic animals, and bathe in as well. Diseases can range from diarrhea, to, in some severe cases, death.

Jesus Wells draw their water from deep below the ground in underground deposits. This is then hand-pumped, passing through filters to the surface. The whole village or community benefits, as they all have access to the well.

A team of people visiting, discuss the possibility of erecting a well in the village. 
As well as explaining the physical benefits, they take the opportunity to explain the gospel, with Jesus being the source of the water of everlasting life. 
After the well is built, a plaque is erected explaining the meaning and significance behind it - another way to spread the gospel:
At the time of writing this, the cost for one well is $NZ1,600.

Hand-in-hand with the Jesus Well is the 'Biosand Water Filter'. These filters use the existing pond-water, to produce 98% pure water. Watch the story of 'Blue', the new Bio-sand filter being installed at his new home:

At the time of writing this, the cost of a Biosand Filter is only $NZ37.

There is a reason The Walk For Water and the work of the GFA Jesus Well / Biosand Filter go hand-in-hand.
From the Water for Life website:

'Calling it The River means we’re connecting it with a number of different ideas we'd like to bring together in the event:
  • As a sign of new life – Jesus spoke of giving those who would follow Him new life “like a stream of living water.” We see this in the transformation of the lives of those we’re working with in Asia, through the provision of practical aid like clean water and through the message of hope conveyed by our local workers on the field.
  • As a tangible representation of what it is we're fundraising for – providing clean, safe water for communities in great need of it in South Asia.
  • And because of the location for our inaugural event: The Hutt River Trail follows the Hutt River up the valley from Lower Hutt. It’s an ideal track for enjoying nature and some unique scenery, in the midst of the urban environment of the Wellington area.'

So, our family - that is myself, my wife Jan, son Nik, and our German exchange student Erik - are all embarking on The Walk this coming Saturday.

Legs will be hurting…blisters will be bursting… ankles will be swollen…but the pain will be worth it to see lives changed, both spiritually and physically in South Asia.

The people of South Asia need our support. Our goal as a family is to raise enough funds for one Jesus Well, and at least ten Biofilters.

Would you be willing to help as well?

Please pray. But firstly, pray for the evangelists that arrange installation of the wells and filters. Pray that they might never hold back in their zest to share the Gospel with their fellow countrymen and women. 
Pray for the people of South Asia, that they will hear, soften their hearts, repent of their sins, and believe the Gospel.

And pray that you may always be open to support these people in whatever way possible. 

You can do this through supporting The Walk For Water financially. Every dollar - that is EVERY dollar raised goes towards the purchase and installation of the wells/filters.

Could you prayerfully consider supporting our family in this eternally important adventure?
If so click on the link below. You can pay from anywhere in the world, up to and including the end of March 2015.


For more information on GFA's work in Asia:

For more information on the Walk For Water:

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